Science in the City Returns…
On 17th August 2021 Hannah posted in News, Projects, Uncategorised

What impact has the air pollution reduction measures introduced by the City of London Corporation over the past six years had? That’s what we’re aiming to find out! Levels of particulate matter and nitrogen dioxide can be a concern in urban areas. Both air pollutants are associated with fuel combustion; transport and heating.
Continue reading…Planting More Healthy Air in Schools
On 23rd July 2021 Hannah posted in News, Projects, Uncategorised

There are three key elements to bringing about positive change: raising awareness, gathering evidence and taking action. And Planting Healthy Air in Schools has achieved all three!
Continue reading…What we learned about air pollution in Lambeth
On 8th March 2021 Perrine Machuel posted in News, Projects, Uncategorised

Pollution concentrations are shown to skyrocket, the bigger the road or the traffic intersection. In terms of exposure and health impact for vulnerable demographics (such as children), what happens when a school is located near busy road networks? Unsurprisingly, this is often the case in dense urban areas and London is no exception.
Meanwhile, in Kampala…
On 30th November 2020 Maria posted in Projects, Uncategorised

Against all odds, the project we initiated in February to tackle odour pollution in the capital city of Uganda progresses. Neither COVID nor national elections have been able to stop the work that we are doing with schools and markets.
Continue reading…Climate Emergency- Help!
On 24th November 2020 Hannah posted in Events, News, Uncategorised
Aside from having the luxury of not having to present at a conference for once, attending the online Climate Emergency Conference was a real treat! It was inspiring to hear about so many people working together to help the UK reach its Carbon Zero target. From Councils to activists, farmers to consumers, we all have our role to play.
Continue reading…Webinar – Incorporating Citizen Science into Environmental Monitoring
On 10th July 2020 Maria posted in Events, News, Training, Uncategorised

In the line of our previous post, we’re still exploring alternative ways to do our bit in difficult times. Today, we’d like share some of the learnings from 12 years worth of experience in using citizen science for environmental monitoring.
Continue reading…Engagement during the lockdown
On 29th April 2020 Hannah posted in Uncategorised
Admittedly, community engagement and extreme citizen science aren’t easy tasks while socially distancing. Sadly therefore, some of our research projects have been temporarily put on the back burner. However, we are still achieving great things in isolation.

Engaging young people in civic action
On 21st November 2019 Louise posted in Uncategorised

This October some of our team travelled to Palermo, Sicily, to share different methods and approaches to engage hard-to-reach young people as part of our EU Erasmus+ funded CivAct project. Young people from disadvantaged areas can feel powerless and therefore disinterested in taking action to improve or change their local surroundings.
Continue reading…Odour pollution in Uganda
On 18th November 2019 Hannah posted in News, Projects, Uncategorised
Many towns and cities across the world are blighted by odour emitting activities which affect people’s quality of life. However, in Kampala, one source of odour is the illegal burning of waste which has real and direct impacts on people’s physical health.

Planting Healthy Air
On 20th September 2019 Hannah posted in News, Projects, Uncategorised

Mapping for Change has teamed up with the environmental charity Trees for Cities and Lancaster University to launch an innovative new programme called “Planting Healthy Air in Schools” to help improve the air quality and outdoor experience of children and teachers in some of London’s most polluted schools.
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