ECSA Conference 2018 – Citizen Science in Europe
On 25th June 2018 Hannah posted in Events, Projects, Uncategorised

The second European conference for citizen and participatory science, organised by the European Citizen Science Association – ECSA was held in Geneva this June. The three day event brought together some of the leading voices and minds in citizen science from across the globe to share ideas and learn from each other’s work. This international celebration of citizen science kicked off on Sunday 2nd with a Citizen Science Festival and Bioblitz for scientists and the public alike to get involved and explore the different projects that are going on throughout Europe and beyond. Continue reading…
D-NOSES – Putting odour on the map
On 21st June 2018 Hannah posted in Uncategorised

Mapping for Change is delighted to be a partner in an exciting new EU-funded, three year project, D-NOSES, which aims to tackle odour pollution on a global scale. The project consortium, coordinated by the Ibercivis Foundation (Spain), have assembled a world-class partnership combining experts in Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI), citizen science and co-creation, International Associations, odour scientists, local administration and public bodies. D-NOSES will put odour on the map and ultimately on the international agenda. Continue reading…
New team members wanted!
On 23rd May 2018 Hannah posted in News, Uncategorised

We have an exciting opportunity for two experienced software developers to join our growing team and contribute to an exciting new collaborative EU project. If you have knowledge of interface design; an interest in systems architecture and can offer technical support to assist our projects, with bespoke geographic web technologies, then we would like to hear from you.
Influencing The London Plan for Gypsies and Travellers
On 16th March 2018 Hannah posted in News, Projects, Uncategorised

Mapping for Change is working with London Gypsies and Travellers to gather various data to help influence the London Plan on an often over-looked community. The resulting maps build a more accurate picture of their presence, history and the inequalities and social exclusion they face. Mapping the Pathway to Equality is the first project of its kind and has been made possible by the generous support of the Joseph Rowntree Chartable Trust and the Aziz Foundation. Continue reading…
Launch of Breathe Clean!
On 7th March 2018 Ruben Douglas posted in Featured, News, Uncategorised

What is Breathe Clean?
Tower Hamlets council, in partnership with Mapping for Change, is providing residents and businesses in Tower Hamlets with diffusion tubes to measure nitrogen dioxide in the places that matter to them.
Love Lambeth Air Launch
On 26th October 2016 Agnes posted in News, Uncategorised

Today marks the launch of six months of air quality monitoring across Lambeth. Yay I hear you cry! And with good reason; currently there are only three static air quality monitoring stations across Lambeth borough. Love Lambeth Air will provide local people with the materials and support required to collect measurements for nitrogen dioxide across a number of streets in Lambeth, providing a detailed picture of air quality in their local area.
Mapping Accessibility in Thessaloniki for World Tourism Day
On 6th October 2016 Louise posted in Events, News, Uncategorised

On a lovely autumn day in the sunny city of Thessaloniki Mapping for Change joined forces with other Cap4Access team members to explore accessibility across the city. The mapping party formed part of a series of similar MapMyDay events being run across the globe, which started on September 27 , World Tourism Day. This year the United Nations (UN) World Tourism Organization chose the theme “Tourism for All. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon declared: “On this World Tourism Day, let us recognize that all people can and should be able to participate in tourism and enjoy unforgettable travel experiences.”
Crowdfunding Success!
On 11th February 2016 Hannah posted in Uncategorised
In December 2015 Mapping for Change launched a crowd funding campaign with the aim of raising money to enable local communities to monitor air quality in their areas
We are delighted to say that the project was a success in receiving enough pledges to support 6 local communities in undertaking air quality monitoring projects. Through the crowd funding campaign we have also successfully launched our Air Quality App for Android devices.
Matched Funding for Air Quality Monitoring
On 9th December 2015 Louise posted in Uncategorised
Last month we launched our crowdfunded Air Quality Monitoring initiative that will enable communities across the UK to collect evidence about air pollution in their local area. The campaign also seeks to build an equipment library of high grade sensors that can be loaned out to any community wanting to investigate the pollution levels in the neighbourhoods.
We are delighted to announce that we now have top-up, matched funding to help up to 40 communities in London – committed to monitoring nitrogen dioxide in early 2016 – reach the minimum £250 required at our sole discretion. This is fantastic news! We welcome the chance to work with communities both in London and across the country through this campaign.
Access the National Trails: Eynsham
On 21st September 2015 Hannah posted in Uncategorised

September weather averages defied all expectations last Friday as the sun shone down on the first Access the National Trails workshop in Eynsham, Oxfordshire. Our goal: to kick-start a national movement of volunteers keen to collect information about the accessibility of trails, using mobile phone applications.