Mapping for Change


On 16th March 2015 Hannah posted in News

Housing, Regeneration and Community Consultation: Map Based Solutions

This information sheet has been developed to highlight the way in which local councils can utilise a map-based ICT service to deliver positive outcomes for its customers in relation to housing and regeneration consultations. This document sets out an outline of the services offered by Mapping for Change, a social enterprise owned by University College London.

The rate of change in ICT is rapid and growth in the uptake of technologies such as mobile devices, social media, high-speed broadband and open data, presents huge opportunities for the council. The new technologies being deployed and adopted by the public sector are bringing in new, innovative ways in which citizens and businesses interact with public authorities; new ways of working for administrations themselves; and providing new business opportunities.

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On 6th March 2015 Hannah posted in Featured, News

Barbican Citizen Science Documentary

Air pollution levels in UK cities are much worse than many of us realise. London, unsurprisingly, is no exception. Mapping for Change have been working with residents in the Barbican Estate, City of London, to measure air quality levels since October 2013. To celebrate our achievements, we have produced a short documentary about the project processes, and our shocking findings.

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On 4th March 2015 Hannah posted in Events, Featured, News

Space to Grow Old In: Mobility in Kilburn

Yesterday morning, Mapping for Change ventured out of the office to attend one of the lively Kilburn Older Voices Exchange events; Older people and the street environment. Keen to discuss issues with accessibility, and factors which influence people’s decisions to get out and about in their local community, we met at a snowy West Hampstead station and headed towards the Kingsgate Resource Centre.

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On 25th February 2015 Hannah posted in Featured, News

Bored of being unable to board? Mapping for Change have been busy creating a Transport Stories Community Map, which will enable you to report the accessibility problems you face when using public transport in and around London.

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On 18th February 2015 Hannah posted in Featured, News

The Busy Roads of Southend

As we get older, there are various personal, social and environmental factors which may limit the amount we go out and about in our local area. One of these relates to the physical layout of our neighbourhood, particularly how walkable it is, at a time when we start to become less mobile. This week, Mapping for Change have been in Southend-on-Sea, to begin our investigation of how the local community responds to the area’s busy main roads. Extreme self-control also saw us resist the temptation to eat fish and chips! We hope you’re as proud of us as we were.

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On 13th February 2015 Hannah posted in Events, Featured, News

Lessons in Accessibility: UCL Try It!

It may sound obvious to state that universities should be accessible. Of course, all education should take place in sites where everyone feels encouraged and able to participate, regardless of age, gender or background. However, there’s a more fundamental aspect to the term accessibility, but it’s one that is not always considered. This is the accessibility of a university’s built environment, and that is what UCL Try It! aimed to explore here in London.

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On 30th January 2015 Hannah posted in Events, Featured, News

On February 12th, Mapping for Change will be participating in a series of  activities designed to raise awareness about access issues on the UCL campus.

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On 23rd January 2015 Hannah posted in Events, Featured, News

Are you a wheelchair user, or someone who uses another type of mobility aid to get around? Will you help us out by sharing your expertise and experiences?

Here at Mapping for Change, we’ve been busy working on one of our current projects, My Accessible EU. This project aims to develop digital tools, such as mobile phone applications, that will enable people to collect and share information about accessibility in European cities. Part of this will involve the creation of applications to help plan journeys and navigate when on route. To ensure these tools are as beneficial as possible, we need insights and feedback from people like you!

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On Hannah posted in Events, Featured, News

Communities Embark on Air Quality Mapping

After receiving £1000 funding in November, Mapping for Change called for up to four communities to conduct air quality monitoring work in their local area. Each community would undertake a month-long monitoring process during February 2015, placing plastic diffusion tubes in strategic areas to measure nitrogen dioxide levels.

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On 20th January 2015 Louise posted in Featured, News, Training

Participatory Mapping at School of Trainers

Last weekend MfC were in Poland training participants from Meritum School of Trainers in the use of participatory mapping techniques.  Armed with the new skills trainees hit the streets of Ligota to explore what local residents felt about their community. Using a mixture of paper-based maps, photographs, and video interviews to capture local perceptions, participants went on to collate their findings on the new Community Maps platform.

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