Mapping for Change

Citizen Science

Citizen Science is a fast-growing area of research which provides multiple benefits and enables non-scientists to collaborate with scientists for mutual gain. Citizen Science provides the opportunity to gather new data which can be used to raise awareness, lobby for change and take targeted action. Additionally, participation in Citizen Science initiatives typically gives people greater confidence to engage in democratic decision-making processes in the future.

We have over 15 years’ experience in coordinating Citizen Science initiatives ranging from local grassroots campaigns to EU-funded multi-country research projects and have supported groups to measure and map various types of environmental pollutants, including air, noise, and odour.

We have co-designed projects with community groups, primary schools and local authorities and supported them to take action, be it behaviour change, policy recommendations or awareness raising.

We can support the whole research process from framing the research question, co-designing survey and data collection methods to ensure validity and relevance, recruiting and training participants, through to data analysis, visualising results, and mapping out next steps.

Resident and Community Groups

If your community is experiencing an issue that could benefit from a Citizen Science project, please see our Information Sheet for further information. As well as achieving policy changes and raising awareness, past projects have brought people together in their local area, and given communities the confidence to participate in decision making.

Local Authorities

Citizen Science is an effective way of raising awareness among residents, as well as engaging them to co-develop strategies for change, and use evidence collected to consider potential solutions. If you are interested in setting up a Citizen Science project with local residents, please get in touch, or see our Information Sheet for further details.