Tackling Odour Pollution in Southall and Hayes
On 27th October 2020 Perrine Machuel posted in Featured, News, Projects
In 2018, residents in Southall and Hayes, West London, started a campaign calling for authorities to tackle air and odour pollution occurring during the redevelopment of a former gas site in the area. The campaign Clean Air for Southall and Hayes (CASH) aims to raise awareness and create momentum to take action about the air and odour issues that residents are facing.
Continue reading…Webinar – Incorporating Citizen Science into Environmental Monitoring
On 10th July 2020 Maria posted in Events, News, Training, Uncategorised
In the line of our previous post, we’re still exploring alternative ways to do our bit in difficult times. Today, we’d like share some of the learnings from 12 years worth of experience in using citizen science for environmental monitoring.
Continue reading…Kampala City Air
On 4th January 2019 Louise posted in Featured, News
2018 has been a rather epic year in terms of our work on air quality. We supported the largest ever distribution of nitrogen dioxide monitors deployed by school students in Barcelona and ended the year with our first project in Sub-Saharan Africa, more precisely, Uganda.
Community Air Quality Monitoring
On 24th November 2015 Hannah posted in Featured, News