Mapping for Change


On 21st July 2017 Maria posted in News

London Gypsy and Traveller Forum

On Thursday 13th July, 2017 we took part in the quarterly London Gypsy and Traveller Forum. The Forum has been running for over 10 years and is currently coordinated by London Gypsies and Travellers, our partners in the project Mapping the Pathway to Equalities. It is an open meeting and was attended by community activists, support organisations, professionals and elected representatives which has the aim to influence the Mayor’s strategies for the benefit of the London Gypsy and Traveller community.

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On 22nd June 2017 Agnes posted in Events, News, Projects

Love Lambeth Air Feedback Event

On Wednesday 14th June, over 45 local residents and stakeholders gathered in St John’s Church in Waterloo to discuss the results of a community-led air quality monitoring programme in Lambeth.

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On 23rd May 2017 Agnes posted in News

The gypsy and traveller communities of London are a fascinating demographic. The histories of these populaces go back hundreds of years into London’s past, yet they still face difficulty and discrimination among modern society. Mapping for Change is teaming up with London Gypsies and Travellers (LGT) to tackle this issue. The missions of this charity are to encourage the inclusion of gypsy and traveller populations in the employment and training opportunities available to most Londoners, shed light on the lack of acceptable housing amidst traveller communities, address the discrimination aimed at these people, and facilitate opportunities for young gypsies to engage with society in a way that permits self expression and cultural pride.

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On 18th May 2017 Agnes posted in Events, Featured, News

Love Lambeth Air Final Event

We have now come to an end of the six month monitoring period of our Love Lambeth Air project.

Mapping for Change, for Lambeth Council, has been providing diffusion tubes to Lambeth residents and businesses to measure nitrogen dioxide outside their home or office over the course of six months from October 2016.

Overall we had 30 participants monitoring 34 sites across the borough of Lambeth from Waterloo to West Norwood. The wide spread of monitoring was only made possible with thanks to the volunteer surveyors who every month changed the diffusion tube outside their home or office and returned the old tube for it to be processed in the lab for analysis. The results from the six months of monitoring will be made available on the Community Air Quality Map.

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On 27th April 2017 Maria posted in News

Mapping for Change’s Barbican project in The Crowd and the Cloud

We are excited to share this video with you about our Air Quality monitoring project in the Barbican Estate, City of London.

The video shows how the concern of local residents about air quality around their homes was developed into a citizen science project, thanks to Mapping for Change and the City of London. For twelve months, Mapping for Change worked with residents to measure local air quality levels in this centric estate and to produce measurable data. Continue reading…

On 10th March 2017 Agnes posted in News

Ten businesses have ‘Ramped It Up’

With the final portable accessibility ramp leaving the office it’s time to reflect on the Ramp It Up social media competition we ran in late 2016.

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On 16th January 2017 Agnes posted in News

Our Love Lambeth Air project is now into its third month of monitoring, halfway through our six-month project. Love Lambeth Air provides local people with the materials and support required to collect measurements for nitrogen dioxide (NO2) across a number of sites in Lambeth, providing a detailed picture of air quality in their local area. Find out more.

We have received the first set of results back from the lab and the results can be seen on the Community Air Quality map. On the map you can find the site locations across Lambeth along with data for each site including the level of nitrogen dioxide.

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On 9th December 2016 Hannah posted in News

Ramp It Up! Contest Winners Announced.

We are delighted to announce the lucky winners of our Ramp It Up! competition.

Each winner will receive a portable ramp for their premises. This means there are now 10 more accessible public spaces in the UK.

If you know of any other public spaces which are accessible please add them to the Wheelmap app and share your knowledge. With your help we can increase inclusion and accessibility in all our towns and cities. Let’s make Europe a fairer place.

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On 24th November 2016 Agnes posted in Featured, News

Access the National Trails: Still Walking

A year after our series of mapping workshops, the Access the National Trails initiative is still alive and kicking. In the amazing chalk landscapes of Yorkshire Wolds Way, trail officer Malcolm Hodgson continues to map footpaths along with other walkers and volunteers using simple mobile applications collecting images and detailed information about particular obstacles.

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On 3rd November 2016 Agnes posted in Featured, News

‘Ramp It Up!’ Contest Promotes Accessibility in the UK

Mapping for Change is inviting communities from around the UK to help their towns and cities become more wheelchair friendly. We are calling on you to ‘Ramp it Up!’ and have launched an exciting competition to encourage your local business owners to get on board.

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