Mapping for Change

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On 13th September 2024 Amanda Newton posted in News, Projects

Air pollution remains a significant concern, affecting communities nationwide, including Redbridge. In response, Redbridge Council has been driving a comprehensive program aimed at monitoring, raising awareness, and ultimately reducing air pollution in the borough. The “We Care for Our Air” initiative, running until March 2025, is a critical part of this effort, consisting of a series of initiatives designed to tackle air pollution head-on.

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On 19th January 2024 Karissa Johnson posted in News, Projects

Brr-eathe Easy: We Care for Our Air Winter Update

It has been a bustling winter so far for the We Care for Our Air project, entering the new year with a lot of momentum. 

Three months of diffusion tube data have now been plotted onto Redbridge’s borough Air Quality Map, thanks to the 78 residents and organisations helping to monitor air pollution at places they care about, including Cllr Sunny Brar of Newbury Ward. 

Take a moment to explore how clean or polluted the air in Redbridge is by clicking around our community air quality map.

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On 26th September 2023 Karissa Johnson posted in News, Projects

It’s been six months since the launch of We Care for Our Air Redbridge, a project aimed at understanding air quality in the borough. During this time, the community has come together to make commitments to support cleaner air.

We Care for our Air Redbridge has two strands to tackle the issue of air pollution head-on. Firstly, is our citizen-led data collection effort using NO2 diffusion tubes and hand-held particulate monitors. The second part of our mission is all about raising awareness and educating the community about the risks of air pollution. We focus on what actions each person can take to avoid pollution and improve the air in Redbridge.

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On 18th February 2015 Hannah posted in Featured, News

The Busy Roads of Southend

As we get older, there are various personal, social and environmental factors which may limit the amount we go out and about in our local area. One of these relates to the physical layout of our neighbourhood, particularly how walkable it is, at a time when we start to become less mobile. This week, Mapping for Change have been in Southend-on-Sea, to begin our investigation of how the local community responds to the area’s busy main roads. Extreme self-control also saw us resist the temptation to eat fish and chips! We hope you’re as proud of us as we were.

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