Mapping for Change

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On 13th September 2024 Amanda Newton posted in News, Projects

Air pollution remains a significant concern, affecting communities nationwide, including Redbridge. In response, Redbridge Council has been driving a comprehensive program aimed at monitoring, raising awareness, and ultimately reducing air pollution in the borough. The “We Care for Our Air” initiative, running until March 2025, is a critical part of this effort, consisting of a series of initiatives designed to tackle air pollution head-on.

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On 19th January 2024 Karissa Johnson posted in News, Projects

Brr-eathe Easy: We Care for Our Air Winter Update

It has been a bustling winter so far for the We Care for Our Air project, entering the new year with a lot of momentum. 

Three months of diffusion tube data have now been plotted onto Redbridge’s borough Air Quality Map, thanks to the 78 residents and organisations helping to monitor air pollution at places they care about, including Cllr Sunny Brar of Newbury Ward. 

Take a moment to explore how clean or polluted the air in Redbridge is by clicking around our community air quality map.

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On 30th November 2020 Maria posted in Projects, Uncategorised

Meanwhile, in Kampala…

Against all odds, the project we initiated in February to tackle odour pollution in the capital city of Uganda progresses. Neither COVID nor national elections have been able to stop the work that we are doing with schools and markets.

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On 19th July 2019 Louise posted in Featured, News, Projects, Uncategorised

Science for My Health

Air pollution in Kampala is deteriorating at a concerning rate causing serious threat to the health of the population across the City. Children, older people and those with existing heart and lung conditions are among the most vulnerable and many of them are exposed to poor air quality during their daily commute to work and school. This is compounded by the fact that many schools are located near high traffic areas.

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