Knowing what motivates the young people might be a difficult task, especially when we are trying to engage the most vulnerable ones in civic actions. The five partners of the CIVACT Erasmus+ project have selected a collection of good practices and approaches to reach and empower young people at risk of social exclusion within the context of urban development.
This collection aims to inspire people working with youth and includes a variety of activities that can be used with individuals or groups, such as go-along, prototyping solutions, youth forum, perception mapping or ‘the person behind the uniform’. The methods presented in the database aim to enable young people to observe and analyse their neighbourhoods, understand its resources and challenges, and get engaged in civic life.

Perception mapping is one of the methods included in the database
You can open the document or visit the online searchable database.
The description for youth at risk of social exclusion may differ across the five local contexts we are working in within CIVACT, namely Hamburg (DE), London (UK), Palermo (IT), Porto (PT), and Gothenburg (SE). However, they all face multiple and common challenges in their social environment which have been identified in a comparative needs analysis performed by the CIVACT team. These challenges include issues with family, drugs, criminal activity, education, training, employment and housing.