Mapping for Change



Funded under the Swiss Block Grant, Mapping for Change in collaboration with the Centre for Training and Personal Development MERITUM, the Cultural Authority City of Gardens and Highways 4 Elements carried out a two year training programme in the Silesia region of Poland.

The project set out to increase the participation of citizens in shaping local policy created in the Silesian-Cracow Europol.

Our Role

Mapping for Change were commissioned to train forty-two trainers and coaches in sustainable development of the area outlined in the Development Strategy for the South Polish region. Mapping for Change equipped trainers with the ability to not only train others, but also to run engaging workshops across the community.


Mapping for Change developed a Polish version of their interactive Community Maps platform and trained participants enrolled in the programme in how to utilise a range of participatory mapping methodologies. The information collected during the mapping process formed the basis for developing written recommendations to take concrete actions for change in local communities and that aim to enable people to feed into local plans for sustainable development.

Community Maps allowed citizens to take action about problems which affected them in their local area, including dog fowling.

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CIVACT is a EU-funded, two-year project which aims to address the lack of civic engagement among hard-to-reach youths in urban areas. The goal is to understand how can we empower young people to become the driving force for change through observing and analysing their neighbourhood’s resources and challenges.