As the Breathe Clean project comes to an end, Mapping for Change will be hosting a feedback session to present the findings of our 6-month air quality monitoring project. The event will consist of an in-depth discussion of the results and discuss the next steps we can all take to continue to make improvements to the borough of Tower Hamlets.
The event is in support of our Breathe Clean project, which aims to address and monitor the nitrogen dioxide levels within Tower Hamlets. The feedback session will give residents the chance to get a more granular picture of the situation within the borough.
The session will also be an opportunity to hear about other environmental projects happening in the borough from Sustrans, Trees for Cities and Women’s Environmental Network. Deputy Mayor and Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Air Quality, Councillor Rachel Blake, will also be speaking about actions already being taken in Tower Hamlets to reduce air pollution.
In partnership with Tower Hamlets Council, we have been supporting members of the community to collect data, using a citizen science approach, to understand what the current air pollution levels are. We selected 29 locations within the borough to be monitored including around homes, places of works, schools and recreational spots.
The Breathe Clean event will take place at the Tramshed Community Hub in Bethnal Green on 19th January from 2 pm – 4 pm. All local businesses and residents of Tower Hamlets are invited to come along for some tea and biscuits and find out more about the project!
Please email breatheclean@mappingforchange.org.uk if you would like to come along so we can save you a seat.
If you can’t make it, or simply can’t wait, the results for the six months monitoring are available to view in our community maps platform.
You can find the full final report here: Final Report Breathe Clean