Mapping for Change


We Care for Our Air: Project Update

On 13 Sep 2024 Amanda Newton posted in News, Projects

Air pollution remains a significant concern, affecting communities nationwide, including Redbridge. In response, Redbridge Council has been driving a comprehensive program aimed at monitoring, raising awareness, and ultimately reducing air pollution in the borough. The “We Care for Our Air” initiative, running until March 2025, is a critical part of this effort, consisting of a series of initiatives designed to tackle air pollution head-on.

The project initially concentrated on three key areas—Loxford, Newbury Park, and Goodmayes—identified as having some of the highest rates of illness linked to air pollution. However, recognising the widespread nature of the problem and the strong community interest, we have since expanded our monitoring efforts beyond these initial zones. This broader approach allows us to involve more parts of Redbridge in our ongoing fight for cleaner air.

The Ursuline Academy Eco Warriors

A cornerstone of the “We Care for Our Air” initiative is its focus on community engagement. The program has forged partnerships with several local schools, including Barley Lane Primary, Woodlands Primary, Newbury Park Primary, Cleveland Road Primary School, Oaks Park High, and Ursuline Academy. These schools have become active centers of learning and action, where students participate in lessons on air quality, hands-on monitoring activities, and even cycling training to encourage healthier, greener transportation methods. By educating the younger generation, we are laying the groundwork for a community that prioritises and works towards a cleaner environment.

One of the most impactful elements of this initiative is the active involvement of residents in gathering essential air quality data. Through diffusion tube monitoring, residents have played a vital role in collecting data and sharing information about air quality in their neighbourhood’s. This collaborative approach ensures that our efforts are informed by the real-life experiences of those most affected by air pollution. Residents have also engaged in surveys, mapping exercises, and workshops, providing valuable insights into their observations and concerns about local air quality.

As part of the ongoing efforts, six Breathe Nodes have been introduced in specific areas across the borough. These nodes are strategically placed in locations based on several criteria, including high traffic volumes, heavy footfall, and areas identified by the community as pollution hotspots. These targeted interventions aim to reduce pollution in the areas where it is most harmful, contributing significantly to our overall goal of cleaner air.

The journey to cleaner air in Redbridge is an ongoing process, and staying informed is crucial. Residents can keep track of the project’s progress and find ways to get involved by visiting the official website.

We will be holding a workshop in the last week of November to share the learnings and results of the monitoring over the past year, discuss potential actions and interventions, and bring everyone involved together.

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