In June, the UP2030 Belfast Retrofit Workshop brought together key stakeholders to focus on strategies for retrofitting Belfast’s residential, commercial, and public buildings.

The aim was to align efforts toward making the city’s buildings more energy-efficient and climate-resilient, with the ultimate goal of creating Belfast’s first net-zero neighbourhood.
The workshop aimed to understand how the retrofit of buildings within the UP2030 area could be delivered effectively to support the achievement of a net-zero neighbourhood. This included assessing the resource requirements necessary for successful delivery.
Participants were tasked with analysing buildings in the pilot area using Local Area Energy Planning (LAEP) data and industry expertise. The goal was to consider potential approaches to retrofit delivery that could be practically applied and scaled up across the neighbourhood.

The outcome of this analysis will support the development of a comprehensive retrofit strategy for the area, along with an outline business case to guide future efforts.
Throughout the day, attendees engaged in group discussions to explore the consequences of a “business as usual” approach, which would likely result in higher energy costs, increased carbon emissions, and lost economic opportunities by 2050. The groups considered various retrofit solutions, evaluating their costs and benefits, and identifying barriers such as upfront costs and opportunities like job creation.
The workshop also explored financial and delivery models that could support widespread retrofitting. Ideas included government-backed incentives, community-led initiatives, and coordinated, area-based plans to ensure efficient rollout and adoption at scale.
The insights and strategies developed during the UP2030 Belfast Retrofit Workshop will be instrumental in guiding the city’s efforts to achieve its net-zero emissions target by 2050.